Stokholm Büyükelçiliği 22.04.2021

1. The flight restrictions between Denmark, United Kingdom and Turkey has been lifted.

2. All flights from Brazil and South Africa are suspended until further notice with the following conditions:

I. Airline operators will only be allowed to transport passengers from Turkey to Brazil and South Africa.

II. Airline operators will be allowed to transport transit passengers from Brazil and South Africa.

III. All passengers arriving Turkey who visited Brazil and South Africa within the last 10 days will be quarantined for 14 days following their arrival at place determined by the Governorships.

On the tenth day they will be subjected to PCR test, if test result is negative, quarantine will be lifted.

IV. Passengers of 6 years and older, should submit before boarding the result of negative SARS-COV-2 PCR test carried out within the last 72-hours prior to departure.

3. Starting from 21 April 2021, 21:00 UTC hours:

I. All passengers arriving turkey who visited India within the last 10 days will be quarantined for 14 days following their arrival at place determined by the Governorships.

On the fourteenth day they will be subjected to PCR test, if test result is negative, quarantine will be lifted.

II. Passengers of 6 years and older, should submit before boarding the result of negative SARS-COV-2 PCR test carried out within the last 72-hours prior to departure.



Yönet Can Tezel Ambassador
Monday - Friday

09:00 - 13:00 / 14:00 - 17:30

-Personal Application hours for visas 09.30-13.00 -Appointment must be arranged for all consular services. --Please do not call the duty officer/ emergency line for your questions on visa issues.
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6/21/2024 6/21/2024 Public Holiday
10/29/2024 10/29/2024 Public Holiday
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