Representation of the Ottoman Empire in Sweden dates from the 17th century. The first representative Aslan Ağa was appointed in 1637 as an Ambassador Plenipotentiary.
Ottoman Empire's first resident representative in Stockholm was Murat Efendi, who served between the years 1877-1880, and Empire’s last representative in Stockholm was Galip Kemal Bey who served between the years 1921-1923. The first representative of the Republic of Türkiye in Stockholm was Laik Mukbil Bey who served as Chargé d'ffaires between the years 1923-1926. There has been The Embassy of the Republic of Türkiye in Stockholm since then.
Diplomats to Sweden acted as a Head of Mission in chronological order:
1. Aslan Ağa Plenipotentiary 1637
2. Közbekçi Mustafa Ağa Envoy 1727–1728
3. Mehmet Sait 28 Çelebi Envoy 1733
4. Murat Efendi Minister Plenipotentiary 1877–1880
5. Murat Efendi Plenipotentiary 1880–1881
6. Prens Jan Karaca Paşa Plenipotentiary 1882–1891
7. Stefan Karatodori Plenipotentiary 1891–1898
8. Şerif Paşa Plenipotentiary 1898–1908
9. Mustafa Asım Bey Plenipotentiary 1908–1909
10. Mustafa Şekip Bey Plenipotentiary 1909–1915
11. Hüseyin Cevat Bey Plenipotentiary 1915–1917
12. İsmail Canbolat Bey Plenipotentiary 1917–1918
13. Hüseyin Cevat Bey Plenipotentiary 1918-1919
14. Nusret Sadullah Bey Plenipotentiary 1919–1921
15. Ali Şevki (Berker)Bey Plenipotentiary 1921
16. Galip Kemal Bey Plenipotentiary 1921–1923
17. Laik Mukbil Bey Charge d'affaires 1923–1926
18. Ali Haydar Aktay Charge d'affaires 1926–1928
19. Ragıp Raif Kösearif Charge d'affaires 1929–1933
20. Ragıp Raif Kösearif Plenipotentiary 1933–1938
21. Agah Aksel Plenipotentiary 1939–1943
22. Nizamettin Ayaşlı Plenipotentiary 1943–1946
23. Bedii Arbel Plenipotentiary 1946–1949
24. Emin Ali Sipahi Plenipotentiary 1950–1951
25. Haluk Kocaman Charge d'affaires 1951–1952
26. Cevdet Dülger Plenipotentiary 1952–1954
27. Haluk Kocaman Charge d'affaires 1954–1957
28. Orhan Eralp Ambassador 1957–1959
29. Şadi Kavur Ambassador 1959–1961
30. Veysel Versan Ambassador 1961–1964
31. Talat Benler Ambassador 1964–1968
32. Osman Dostel Ambassador 1968–1969
33. Necdet H. Kent Ambassador 1969–1972
34. Bedii Karaburçak Ambassador 1972–1976
35. Mehmet Baydur Ambassador 1976–1979
36. Şefik Fenmen Ambassador 1980–1984
37. Müfik Özdeş Charge d'affaires 1984–1985
38. Haluk Özgül Ambassador 1985–1986
39. Ömer Ersun Ambassador 1986–1989
40. Erdil Akay Ambassador 1989–1991
41. Orhan Ertuğruloğlu Charge d'affaires 1991–1992
42. Solmaz Ünaydın Ambassador 1992–1996
43. Oktay Aksoy Ambassador 1996–2000
44. Selim Kuneralp Ambassador 2000–2003
45. Tomur Bayer Ambassador 2003–2004
46. Necip Egüz Ambassador 2003–2009
47. Zergün Korutürk Ambassador 2009–2013

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